Gabriel Stawny
my photo

Gabriel Stawny
Full Stack Dev

About me

> cat About-me.txt

"Hi, I'm Gabriel Stawny, a software developer with focus on performance enhancement. Currently, I'm pursuing my Computer Science degree at the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR)."

> cat Adaptation.txt

"Skilled in full stack development, crafting dynamic web apps, integrating databases and APIs."

> cat Tech-Skills.txt

"Skilled in TypeScript, Next.js, and NestJS. Well-versed in data structures, with proficiency in low-level languages."

> cat Creative-Optimization.txt

"What deeply intrigues me in focusing on performance optimization is its fusion of creativity and analytical thinking, yielding unmatched user experiences."

> cat Orion-Aerospace-Design.txt

"May/23 - Present",

"I'm a full stack software developer at Orion Aerospace Design, a UTFPR voluntary service. We develop software for academics, social needs, and industry partnerships, with inputs from students and professors."

> cat Algorithm-Monitor.txt

"Aug/22 - Jul/23",

"As an Algorithm Monitor, I significantly contributed to the university by helping peers understand complex computer science concepts, improving analytical skills, and enhancing communication. This experience also facilitated connections with outstanding professors."

